Friday, July 22, 2011

I'm in this fight with you.

You're right, I am cautious of going back to who I once was. Therefore, if I even think there's a chance of you turning me back into a self doubting, insecure, misfit... you can guarantee that you will no longer be in my life;
     You see, I realize I was put here to keep moving forward, and to become better; not  to walk around the same mountain multiple times. I have already been there & THROUGH that miserable place, known as 'low self estem' and although it taught me alot,I don't ever  plan on  going back. I have discovered too much of myself, and have found what I believe to be unusually high leves of insight, to let anyone tear that down and ruin my chances of reaching my best potential. - kayla kabree

If you're reading this, please listen to me when I say : never be afraid to Be YOU. If anyone trys to make you second guess yourself constantly and/or makes fun of the things you say.. please do yourself a favor and kick them out of your life. I don't care how close you are, I dont care how much it will hurt you;  It's just something you've gotta grit your teeth and DO, simply because...each time you with hold whoever it is you really are, a part of you dies. And i know that may sound rather 'dramatic' but I really have found it to be true.

Look at it this way : God has placed a unique color inside of you; you are the only person in this world that will ever carry that color. You were made to spread that color all over the world.
Whether it be splashed upon the words you say, the music you sing, the art you create, or even the stories you write.
It can be sewn into your tecnique of teaching, or perhaps it meirely shines out of the light in your eyes; 
The point is, your 'color' can only taint the things you do or say that come from an authentic place in your heart. Therefore if you are being fake, your color is as good as dead because the person it was given to refuses to give it life, sort of speak.
   I'll be honest... to some your color will be prefered above all colors, and to others, it will be something to point at and laugh. But do not live your life in fear of those that are going to hate; Live your life for those that you can touch, inspire and even help along the way; that is what life is all about. To me it is, atleast.

Just so you know... I really do know how hard it is to stay true to ones self when you're surrounded by a world of sell outs. Believe me, I get reminded everyday just about it.
So i sympathize with you if you're going through a tough time right now. I would reccomend making a promise to yourself like i did a while ago... I promised that no matter who doesnt like me, and no matter how bad it hurts, I'm going to move on, and stay true to who I am...Because if you think about it; if you arent true to yourself, what else can you ever be true to?
 So keep that head up. The right people will come at the right time.

With all my love, Kayla Kabree

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